Cologne: 20.–23.05.2025 #interzum

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Dropshipping - the All-in-One package | Exhibitor on the interzum 2023

Dropshipping - the All-in-One package

Dropshipping is a concept of (online) trade in which the you as the retailer are relieved by us, the manufacturer – MAL Germany.

The All-in-One package – Production, Warehousing, Shipping & After-Sales Support

We take care of warehousing and shipping for YOU. Therefore no costs regarding storing and rent; personnel cost reduction

What advantages does dropshipping have for you?

- cost savings in terms of warehousing, shipping and employees

- quick and uncomplicated processing due to ERP connection

- low entry hurdle

- suitable for all business sizes – from Start-Up to Corporations

- maintaining the neutrality of your brand name

- high flexibility


For a first contact we are at your disposal in hall 11.1 - booth E058
Willanzheimer Str. 10
97350 Mainbernheim
Hall 11.1 | E058