Cologne: 20.–23.05.2025 #interzum

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interzum shows innovative lightweight solutions

Eco-friendly lightness: mobile interior design

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As interest in caravans and motorhomes grows, their design requirements are evolving. These days, campervan interiors often resemble modern flats. interzum 2025 will reveal how lightweight materials can bring to life designs that are both homely and sustainable. Together with the Interest Group for Lightweight Engineering (Interessengemeinschaft Leichtbau e.V.), the trade fair will take a look at the latest innovations in mobile interior design.

Interior of a campervan with high-quality equipment

Modern campervans are homely and carefully designed down to the smallest details (image: Knaus Boxdrive 680 ME). Copyright: Knaus Tabbert AG

Venturing into the future with lightweight engineering

Lightweight materials have the potential to significantly shape the future of automotive design. Sebastian Plate, Managing Director of the Interessengemeinschaft Leichtbau e.V. (igeL), is convinced of this: "The total weight of the vehicles is reduced, which lowers energy consumption for the entire duration of their service life." What’s more, the materials offer a reduced environmental impact if they are renewable: "They store CO₂ as they grow and during use, which makes them more climate-friendly than conventional materials such as aluminium and plastic," says Plate.

More homely travel

When it comes to campervan and caravan construction, the use of wood-based and other renewable materials not only facilitates vehicle weight optimisation. This approach also enables the creation of interiors that are both sustainable and homely. From kitchen units and seating options through to beds and wall claddings, lightweight materials offer a wide range of applications without compromising on functionality.

Family in a fully equipped motorhome

Today's motorhome interiors resemble modern flats. Copyright: Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V.

Showcasing the versatility of lightweight engineering

igeL e.V. will unveil the innovations on the horizon in the world of mobile interior design at interzum 2025. A variety of member companies will be presenting their latest solutions and products at a 100-square-metre stand at the trade fair. "We will map the entire interior design value chain, from the likes of materials, joining technology, surfaces and craftsmanship through to the finished campervan," says Sebastian Plate. "We are planning to build and exhibit a lightweight campervan that effectively demonstrates the versatility and potential of lightweight engineering."

Hybrid solutions involving wood-based materials

The central theme of interzum 2025, "Rethinking Resources: Circular and Biobased Solutions", will play a key role in the presentation. "Wood-based materials have long been used in mobile interior design, standing out due to their lightness, stability and natural aesthetics, coupled with the fact that they are bio-based and, more often than not, recyclable," says Sebastian Plate. At present, he is witnessing a continuous evolution in these materials, especially in conjunction with modern manufacturing processes: "Hybrid solutions, in which wood-based materials are intelligently combined with other sustainable materials such as natural fibres and recycled plastics, are becoming increasingly important," says Plate.

MDF board with components for its manufacture

A bio-based adhesive system for the production of MDF. Copyright: Fraunhofer WKI | Manuela Lingnau

Demonstrating what is possible

For Sebastian Plate, the use of sustainable adhesives and surfaces made from recycled or bio-based materials is another key trend within the realm of wood-based materials. "These innovations not only ensure greater environmental friendliness, but also open up new possibilities when it comes to the design and functionality of interior fittings." The igeL e.V. stand at interzum will showcase examples of circular and bio-based solutions, demonstrating the opportunities posed by sustainable mobile interior design.

Sebastian Plate

Sebastian Plate, Managing Director of the Interest Group for Lightweight Engineering / Interessengemeinschaft Leichtbau e.V. Copyright: igeL e.V.

A platform for innovations

Sebastian Plate believes that the biggest challenge in lightweight engineering is the seamless integration of new technologies into existing manufacturing processes and structures. For him, this requires not only technological adjustments, but also close cooperation between all the relevant players. "At igeL e.V., we are committed to providing information about the latest developments and fostering the transfer of knowledge within the industry," Plate says. "Through our involvement in interzum and our lightweight engineering database, we provide platforms for highlighting innovations and facilitating their real-world implementation." His aim is to promote solutions that fully harness the advantages of lightweight engineering to actively shape the future of mobile interior design.